Thursday, January 31, 2013

Team Arlington

I just wanted to let you know that I just got back from three days in Austin.  It was enlightening in that the subjects that were before the 83rd Session of State Government are very much the same as those considered at the Council, Water, Education and Transportation.  Obviously Education is dealt with by AISD.  We had an opportunity to meet all of the Senators and Representatives that have districts touching our city.  Everyone was there, they were all very pleasant and accessible, and answered all question.  The process of governing at this point in the Session, (before Committees were assigned) was a little convoluted.  Actually it was boring.  But as things pick up I'm sure that interest levels will rise, and tempo will increase.

While I was gone there were three shootings over on 360.  Apparently, three residents of Grand Prairie came to our fair city to deal some drugs.  Essentially, a man was going to buy some drugs and he didn't like the way things were going so he shot the other three people in the car.  One of the victims is in serious condition with a gun shot wound to the neck.  The other two are doing OK.  


  1. It goes without saying this is tragic. Given the location, did any involved parties live in apartments north of Lamar?

  2. They were all citizens of Grand Prairie.

  3. Thanks for the shout out. Much appreciated.


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