Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Throughout this last week, the citizens of Arlington have turned out in tremendous numbers to support my stance against Open Carry Texas here in Arlington.  OCT's actions in the last Council meeting were such that, it was obvious that they couldn’t care less about the First Amendment nor the Second Amendment.  They were simply an unruly gang, stomping on the rights of others for their own benefit. 

Encompassed in their pursuit of happiness, they have proceeded to taunt a women’s group that was for gun control.  They have disrespected our police officers by calling them thugs, they have violated our laws and been cited for that.  They have disrupted a public meeting of the City Council, and deprived me of my First Amendment rights while denigrating my marriage of 39 yrs.  Enough is enough.

This is a gang pure and simple.  But what is disturbing about this event, is that candidates for the House of Representatives and the State Senate have knowingly aligned themselves with this gang mentality.  Both Konni Burton and Tony Tinderholt have lead the assault on our way of life here in Arlington.  Their brazen disrespect for the sanctity of the Council Chamber and local government, have led me to do something that I have never done in my life.  As a conservative Republican, I am supporting a Democrat for the race in the 94th state congressional district.  I have met with Cole Ballweg several times and I have found him to be an intelligent, respectful small business owner here in Arlington.   I know that he has the demeanor to go to Austin and work across the aisle in such a fashion as to be appreciated by is counterparts.  With the outbursts of Cole’s opponent last Tuesday evening, I can assure you that Mr. Tinderholt cannot even control his temper and respect city government, much less that of a state venue.  Sending this individual to Austin is simply a mistake.

Mr. Tinderholt’s emotional imbalance is a matter of public record.  But beside his inability to keep his temper under control and his personal life in check, he has gone out of his way to support a gang and champion their cause.  Please don’t tell me it’s free speech, because it isn’t.  If that were the case he wouldn’t break the law by disrupting a government meeting of the Council, interrupting someone else while they are exercising their freedom of speech.  That would be hypocritical.  Mr. Tinderholt has already alienated himself from the City of Arlington’s government, please don’t send him to Austin and embarrass the citizens of Arlington at the state level.  Vote for Cole Ballweg. 

I have also supported the campaign of Republican candidate for State Senate Mark Shelton.  Konni Burton is of the same ilk as Mr. Tinderholt.  She is also in support of the Open Carry Texas gang.  But with Ms. Burton you can also assure yourself that there will be no state funding for high speed rail from Dallas to Ft. Worth.  Both Kathryn Wilemon and I support Mark Shelton for State Senate.

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Last Tuesday night Open Carry Texas was at the Council meeting in force.  A candidate for the 94th district of Texas Congress made a scene.  He states that he is for the First Amendment of free speech, and then in the next breath denies the free speech of others.  In my opinion he was simply grandstanding for the Open Carry Gang.  The drama of the situation was very obvious, the level of understanding was disappointing.  The Council voted to limit people in our streets, 1) selling items, 2) soliciting donations or asking for money, and 3) distributing literature. 

The yelling that Mr. Tinderholt did asked what about city employees in the streets?  I stated over his screaming that I would address that issue.  I told him that Arlington is a "Home Rule City" and that we had the right to make ordinances and laws that did not violate state statutes.  I continued that the Firemen have an exception signed by Govenor Perry that allows them access.  Tinderholt screemed again that "it's a loophole."  "You are passing this on a loophole," and then removed himself before police could arrest him.  He then left, followed by minions from the Open Carry group, just like he had planned.  This is what followed on facebook:

  • Conversation started Wednesday
  • Tony Tinderholt
    Tony Tinderholt

    Charlie, you and I can continue to be disrespectful to one another or we can try to do what is right for the people of our city. I am a far right Conservative Republican and I represent a very Conservative constituency. I want to work together. ..but if this isn't possible, I can deal with that as well. Regardless of what you want, I will be the district 94 representative and I feel that it's important for us to work hand in hand to support Arlington.
    • Tony Tinderholt
      Tony Tinderholt

      I respectfully apologize for getting frustrated; howeber, the city is skirting a very fine line that will most likely result in a court case that neither of us wants.
      Consider meeting with the mayor and I Monday. I've had a meeting scheduled with him for over a month...it's a lunch meeting
      And again..mi apologize for stepping on you while you were talking at the meeting! Let's agree to disagree...but move forward with Arlington residents in mind.
      Oops...I apologize....phone typing is not my best skill
      • Thursday
      • Charlie Parker
        Charlie Parker

        FacebookFirst off let me state that I have already dealt with this issue on another string. When have I been disrespectful to YOU? I am a conservative also, but I am not a not a drama queen. It was apparent and remains apparent to me that you are not in control of your actions. Therefore I and I'm sure other Council members will keep you at a distance. You've shown us your true colors Mr. Tinderholt. I really don't care if you become King of Texas, I don't have to work with you and I won't. If I was the Mayor I would cancel lunch. Good luck in the election, bring on the lawsuit.
        • Tony Tinderholt
          Tony Tinderholt

          You are an ignorant and very arrogant man!
          • Tony Tinderholt
            Tony Tinderholt

            I also told him that nobody wants an expensive lawsuit that I...As a taxpayer....will have to pay for...and that their illegal implementation of this ordinance will cause someone to surely file a lawsuit
            Nice response when it's taxpayer dollars for the lawsuit...
            • Tony Tinderholt
              Tony Tinderholt

              The word Conservative is used far too often these days when it's only a few of us that actually fit the bill.
              • Charlie Parker
                Charlie Parker

                FacebookYes and you are such a scholar.
                • Tony Tinderholt
                  Tony Tinderholt

                  Texas has what is called a preemption law that does not allow any governing body below the state legislature to enact arms control laws. Ordinances are very expensive - those tax $s could be better spent right now when budgets are tight. But i am sure that using tax $ for a second lawsuit doesnt bother you either!
                  • Thursday
                  • Tony Tinderholt
                    Tony Tinderholt

                    Remember your conservative core...you spoke very well...1st ammendment is important
                    • Charlie Parker
                      Charlie Parker

                      FacebookMr. Tinderholt the freedom of speech that I was speaking of was the freedom that you enjoyed. Also the same freedom that you denied me. That is the freedom to address the city council and state an opinion. Mr. Leblanc denied that opportunity with his vote. He was the only one that did. Standing in the street is an apple compared to that orange, so please don't let your little gang try to compare the two events. If you do then you are only demonstrating the lack of cerebral cortex that is rampant in your constituents. Don't make that mistake. The comment about my wife is only evidence of the lack of mental capacity within your gang. The spineless attempt to devalue a marriage of 39 years, of which I'm sure YOU can appreciate, is a desperate attempt broken logic and despicable behavior. This has been demonstrated throughout your treatment of our police officers, city council, and now my family. If you continue to saddle up with these vermin, your political future may be very short. I have only heard disparaging remarks about your actions last Tuesday. You have some serious damage control to accomplish.
                      • Tony Tinderholt
                        Tony Tinderholt

                        First of all...This is NOT my gang. I am not affiliated with them. I support the constitution and you and the city council are trampling on it. That's all...and i agree....no wives....that is sad.
                        I only got involved on behalf of the police department to keep this group from antagonistic behavior....and it worked a little
                        • Tony Tinderholt
                          Tony Tinderholt

                          Actually. ..amongst TRUE Conservatives...they applauded Tuesday night. Your group that you hear from are establishment people who don't like it when someone stands up for the people...they want the government to have MORE power.
                          Remember, this is not my group
                          Your career is actually at risk Charlie. We already have 3 solid people lined up to tackle you next time. Trust that they will be fully financed! I do agree that your Family is absolutely off limits and that is beyond disrespectful.
                          • Friday
                          • Charlie Parker
                            Charlie Parker

                            Good I beat 7 good men to get here. This is not a career. I represent the citizens of North Arlington because I want too.
                          As you can see for yourself this is not the type of person that we should send to Austin to represent us.
                          Here is another bit of wisdom.

                          Tony Tinderholt I was not there last night in support of open carry or their group. I was there to try and stop 1st ammendment rights from being stolen. Not a very intelligent way to talk about a constituent as an elected official Mr. Parker. Remember, I am still a constituent as is the man you chastised in the meeting. I was thoroughly DISGUSTED when you...A representative of the people, told another person in the meeting that "this is a one way discussion". Who says that type of thing to constituents?

                          The PEOPLE will hold you accountable for allowing government employees to continue to hand out or collect materials on the street while the public is not allowed. If this were a safety issue, you would have petitioned the state to fix the loophole at the same time. This is the type of governing that steals rights from citizens. I agree that what the Fire Department does is a great thing and that you will play the "that is state law" card. I am confident that you will still allow it to happen.

                          As for your comments concerning Diane Patrick; you are unhappy that you have someone that will tell the truth and stand up to you for citizens rights versus someone that will do exactly what you want. People like you are the problem. The ESTABLISHMENT never likes it when people know the truth or when someone stands up to you. I do not represent the City Council I represent the constituents of the city of Arlington Texas district 94 . I will be with you when it's right and oppose you when it's not.

                          Note that I removed myself from your circus of a meeting that doesn't listen to the people whom they are supposed to represent. Yes, you pretend to listen to 2 minutes from each person, but your consistent votes against what you here is apparent.

                          Also, I encourage you to watch the video where the Mayor stated toward the end that he didn't remove anyone. Rest assured Mr. Parker, we will ENSURE that you run OPPOSED next time with FULL financial backing from all of our affiliated organizations. We need to ensure that people like you are stopped from serving in higher positions. We need someone that is respectful to constituents and a True SERVANT to we the people.
                          If you watch the tape of the meeting Tuesday evening I never say that this is a one way conversation.  Instead I said that,  "I guess freedom of speech only goes one way around here."  Referring to the fact that Council listened to their time at the microphone and they would not let me speak.  The bottom line is Tinderholt has alienated the City of Arlington from any cooperative effort, in an effort to side with Open Carry Texas.  Actions speak much louder than words.  The above comments and his actions on Tuesday night tell me everything I need to know about this guy.  Don't take my word for it.  Watch the video, then vote for Cole for the 94th Representative of the great state of Texas.  

                          Wednesday, April 23, 2014

                          Council Meeting 22 April

                          First of all I want to tell everyone in North Arlington how very proud I am of them for filling up Shackelford Jr. High on Monday night.  150 people or more wanted to be informed and took time out of their evening to find out what is going on in their community.  Wow, I’m impressed. 

                          As for Tuesday nights Council Meeting, it was very insightful.  There were two items on the agenda that were of significant merit.  The first item was the amendment of an existing ordinance.  Essentially the issue was to not allow people to walk out in the street and hand out material to cars or approach cars stopped at an intersection.  This was billed as a First Amendment right to have free speech in our roadways.  Open Carry Texas wanted to do this in our main thoroughfares.  I took offense to this issue in that two people were killed in the very street where they were passing out material.  The Council voted 8-1 in favor of this amendment.  During this discussion, Mr. Tenderholt, a candidate for state representative, could not allow my free speech.  He interrupted me twice and was removed from the meeting.  Just what we want representing us in Austin.  If he doesn’t hear what he wants just make a scene and be removed from the floor.  I would vote for the other guy if I could in November, but he’s not in my district.  We listened to him with respect, but he couldn’t see his way clear to respect the First Amendment when someone else was speaking.  Too bad.  Where is Diane Patrick when you need her?

                          The other issue was one that would deny firearms to be carried into the Council Chamber during proceedings.  All I heard from Open Carry Texas was that it was their Constitutional right to do so.  That is simply their opinion and I will let the Supreme Court decide if they are right.  The vote was 9-0 to deny weapons in Chambers. 

                          What I learned from the exchanges this evening was that, Freedom of Speech and the First Amendment only pertain when you are saying something that they want to hear.  Otherwise disrespect for someone else’s freedom of speech is their game plan.  Although a few salient points were made tonight, it is my opinion that they simply can’t tolerate a differing point of view. If you would like to see for yourself, simply log on to arlingtontx.gov and go to the video of the council meeting for the evening of 22 April.      

                          Wednesday, April 16, 2014

                          Town Hall Meeting

                          It is the election season, and that means there are subjects that have to be determined.  The only way to make any determination is to avail yourself of all the facts and ask insightful questions of the knowledgeable people associated with the issue.  That is one of the reasons I’m having a Town Hall Meeting this Monday the 21st at Shackelford Junior High starting at 6:30. 

                          There are concerns about crime around the Oak Streets area that Chief Leland Strickland will address.  Of course the AISD Bond package is of major importance, and Superintendant Dr. Marcelo Cavazos will be there to present and answer questions.  I will have a power point presentation on what is new in North Arlington.  Subjects will include updates on the Lamar apartment project, the New Library, Senior Living facility prospects, Hotel, and construction projects/business opportunities on the horizon. 

                          I haven’t had a town hall meeting since the apartment gathering at the convention center.  Since I am running unopposed for office time, I thought I would take the opportunity to talk with you about anything that you see in our community of concern.  Please come out and join in the conversation.  See you there!

                          Monday, April 7, 2014

                          Captain John "Smash" Nash

                          This last weekend I had the honor of attending a funeral.  It’s not that often that you have the opportunity to say such a thing.  Funerals are things that you attend, and sometimes they can be very uncomfortable.  This one was a reunion of Naval Aviators, and a virtual Who’s Who of Naval Aviation.  My old friend and Skipper, John “Smash” Nash passed away of Alzheimer’s disease.  He was one of the original cadre of pilots that started “Top Gun”.

                          I was hoping to include the fly over video that was performed by two F-18s and two F-16s from Top Gun, but the clip hasn’t yet been posted.  If it shows up I will include it on the blog.  After a 21 gun salute and a beautiful rendition of Taps by a Navy Bugler, Top Gun performed the missing man formation flawlessly.  As they got over the cemetery, one of the F-16s plugged it into afterburner and went straight up.  At the apex of his climb he did a victory roll, in appreciation of the service and bravery of a fallen brother.  Although we were at the departure end of Miramar in San Diego where the movie Top Gun was filmed, the school has moved to NAS Fallon Nevada.  That’s right the current skipper of Top Gun arranged to position these aircraft in San Diego and got approval to make this flyover from Miramar Tower in a tribute to Smash’s service.. 

                          Smash was a native of Hattiesburg, Mississippi.  He received his undergraduate degree from Mississippi Southern and a Masters from Auburn.  His Commendations include the Silver Star, Distinguished Flying Cross, (23) Air Medals, a Navy Commendation, and he was my friend and mentor.  Smash taught me how to fly the Phantom as Yoda taught Luke the light saber.  But he also taught me the importance of fighting a paper war.  No one could write a more substantial/forceful letter than Smash.  He also taught me and my son to appreciate the beauty and serenity of fly fishing in Montana.  If you are wondering, John got his call sign as a result of a student hitting him with a closure rate of over a 1,000 knots.  John came out of the fireball, the only survivor, hanging in his chute with the call sign, “Smash Nash.”  John's performance at the Pt. Magu airshow with an F-14 was so impressive that the Blue Angel Skipper stated, "we're not performing after him again."  Smash's performance in fighters surpasses the legendary Bob Hoover's P-51 talents.  

                          Sure the memorial service had many famous naval aviators in attendance, and personalities that were bigger than life.  Admiral Dan Pederson, the first Skipper of Top Gun, Willie Driscol, (Ace), Cannonball Crenshaw (Mig killer and my roommate), Denny Wisley (Blues Skipper) and Homer Blevins (State Congressman from Wyoming).  The room was filled with Naval Royalty.  I was honored to speak to this group and tell a story or two about my ol friend.   Rest in Peace Smash, we’ll fly again soon.