Monday, November 24, 2014

Catch Up

I want to apologize for not posting on my blog in a long time.  As some of you may have heard I had an operation on my neck and it was extremely painful.  The recovery was such that I really didn’t want to do much except try and heal.  We did have an election during my convalescence, and I was very pleased with the Republicans taking the Senate in a mandate from the American people.  It will certainly be an interesting new year.

On the city side of the fence, the apartments on Lamar seem to be coming down at a moderate pace.  The asbestos abatement makes going a little slow.  And the agreement with Mr. Kembel had to be redone.  The reason for this rewrite is that the County cannot accomplish the writing of a 380 agreement.  They simply don’t have the personnel in the office.  Therefore, the city  had to redo the 380 agreement into three abatements of ten year durations.  That was the real reason for the rewrite.  All the financials remain the same, however some of the durations were extended to ensure success.

On another subject, Jay Doegey is leaving the city as City Attorney, at the end of this month.  We are currently interviewing replacements for him.  Jay has been here for over 26 years and felt now was a good time to take retirement.  I certainly have enjoyed working with Jay and wish him well as he follows his personal pursuits.  We will interview three more applicants on Tuesday.