On Tuesday a citizens group dropped off a petition to city
hall to put the removal of Red Light Cameras on the ballot for the May 9th
election. The required number of
citizens signed this ballot for some reason.
I was told by one individual that the people seeking signatures were not
forthright in presenting the issue to voters.
(That is hearsay)
Last Friday evening Kel Walters was killed at the
intersection of Burney and Green Oaks.
The best lead that the police have in this murder investigation is a
camera from an insurance company. If we
had a camera at this intersection we would know immediately who committed this
The reason that we have Red Light Cameras at all is the fact that you wanted people to stop running red lights. That was the number two topic of concern on a survey conducted by the Arlington Police Department in 2005. Enter the Red Light Cameras in 2007. Accidents are down 75% at the 19 intersections equipped with Red Light Cameras.
The city of Houston voted to get rid of their Red Light
Cameras in 2010. Since that time,
accidents are up 117% and fatalities are up 30% in the intersections that had
Red Light Cameras. These are facts that
cannot be refuted. Public safety is my
number one concern. Please be informed
when entering the ballot box.