Thursday, January 11, 2018

The Texas Rangers Golf Club

There has been a great deal of discussion about the re-naming of Ditto golf course to the Texas Rangers Golf Club.  The city has invested $24mil in the renovation of this city owned facility, and it is the city’s desire to make this course a "destination" golf course.  To say that you have played a certain golf course or simply enjoy the challenge of a new golf experience is a thrilling event.  This course will improve the level of the game of golf in Arlington.  Ditto, before the make-over, was rated #49 in Avid Golfer.  We look forward to making this course one of the top five in North Texas.  It was the city’s decision to spend the money for the course make over.  $4 mil from bond elections and $20 mil from gas well funds that are available from the Parks Department.  We have over 90 parks in Arlington.  When a gas lateral goes through park land, then a royalty is paid to the Park’s fund.  This money is not tax money, however it is public revenue and is dealt with as such, requiring elected oversight. 

I have toured this course at least twice and it is truly remarkable.   The quality of the course is commensurate with Cowboy’s and better than Star.  But to make this a destination venue, it would require a name change and some marketing.  We have to get our name out there.  Therefore, we approached the Rangers and through a partnership agreement, and marketing strategy, the Council voted unanimously to change the name of the course.  The Ditto family is prominent in Arlington, and their recognition will remain.  The Club House will be named the, “Chester W. Ditto Club House.”  One must remember that the land was purchased from the Ditto family with the stipulation that it be utilized by the public.  The course itself will be owned by the city and every dime earned will go to the City of Arlington.  The Rangers will get some rounds of golf in exchange for a commensurate amount of tickets.  They will host tournaments and events at the club house.  They will advertise via video at the games, advertise in their year book and their programs.  The tickets will be received by Parks and Recreation and used in promotional efforts.

There has been concern about the pricing of green fees.  Our seniors and residents will be priced on a reduced scale.  Those out of city residents will be expected to carry their weight.  This is a nice course and will require a commensurate green fee.  We believe that aligning ourselves with Major League Baseball and the Texas Rangers will elevate the old Ditto property to the level of quality and recognition that will make Texas Rangers Golf Club the best in North Texas.  Arlington you deserve this!

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