Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Busy Week

Last week was a Council week so it was busy and this one is just as hectic.  On Saturday the Rotary sponsored an adoption picnic.  Potential parents had the opportunity to meet kids that were up for adoption and inter-relate with them.  There were over 80 parents and 100 kids at this event and it went into the gym because of the weather situation.  It was a great success.  Then off to the Entrepreneur Awards Ceremony at UTA to honor AISD kids from grades 3-7 for their product ideas.  There was a ton of award recipents.  But another great event that was held in the College Park Center and sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. 

Sunday was Church and teaching Sunday School in the second hour.  That evening I presented a power point presentation to Park Central HOA at Rolling Hills Country Club.  Subject matter included my district efforts in the past, present and future.  The Arlington Police Department Aviation Department, the proposed car wash on Green Oaks and Ball Park, and the status of the Forest Hills apartments were additional subjects.  There were about 40-50 people there and it was great to see people coming from their homes and interested in what is happening in their community. 

Monday morning it was off to Roquemore Elementary to give dictionary's to the 3rd grade.  These dictionary's were provided by the North Rotary Club, and it was heart warming to see the little ones get their new books.  Lunch with the Rotary, then off to the Doctor, and then another presentation to the Rolling Hills HOA at Ellis Elementary.  There were about 30-35 in attendance.  This presentation had an actual radio controlled helicopter on display to prove that the City of Arlington doesn't have drones.  That is all media hype, the sky is not falling.  The new Police Chief Will Johnson and the North Deputy Chief Leland Strickland were in attendance and spoke. 

Tuesday was the Council Retreat at the convention center.  Well it wasn't a treat!  This was a How-Goes-It concerning our budget and the results of the Citizens Satisfaction Survey.  We sent out over 29,000 surveys and recieved 598 back.   Essentially 82% of the citizens considered Arlington a good to excellent place to live.  They sited location, convenience and affordable housing/taxes as the top 3 reasons to live here.  After four hours of that, it was off to the Arlington Police Association's burger bash to celebrate our new Police Chief's appointment. 

I'm going to play golf today just to prove to myself that I'm terrible at it, then I'll get my taxes in the mail, hopefully.    

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