Saturday, March 2, 2013

Carol Zimmer

I wanted you all to know that yesterday morning a very beautiful lady passed away.  Carol Zimmer lost her fight with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), often referred to as "Lou Gehrig's Disease.  When I first met Carol the disease was advanced, but that didn’t hinder her one bit.  Her personality transcended her illness.  Although, we communicated through her Ipad, she was engaging, vivacious, and funny.  She always had this beautiful smile that captured you without speaking.  While she did require the use of a wheelchair, her mobility was never in doubt.  I would see her at various social events, the dedication of Viridian, Christkindl Market, or a New Years Eve Gala.  She was active and always on the move.  Steven was constantly by her side, and his love for Carol was evident through the proud gaze in his eyes.  He has been  totally devoted to her.  She was always the center of attention, and she will be missed terribly.


  1. Charlie, did you see where Carol lived...
    "Those who R healthy in the shale get sick,

    those who were sick get sicker or die quicker, and

    those now dead R free from the dread in

    LIVING in this BarnettShaleHell.”
    signed guess who?

  2. Carol had this disease prior to the well being established. I know exactly where Carol and Stephen live. It is a beautiful home on Beady and her disease had nothing to do with gas well drilling.


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